What you can expect from me in 2022

Wow, it’s 2022!

Feels like just yesterday we were all facing barren toilet paper shelves and learning about murder hornets. Time really does fly.

I for one, am extremely excited to usher in a new year and I have been using the past few weeks to re-focus, re-calibrate, get clear on what I want, and prepare to engage with my goals in earnest.

One of my big goals this year is to work on my social media presence and grow my personal brand - this is something totally outside of my comfort zone. As someone who struggles with OCD and the social anxiety that comes with that, calling attention to myself is not something that comes easily to me. My mental rhetoric goes something like this:

Cringes at the thought of going out in public to film a dance video “I don’t want other people watching me!”
Gets imposter syndrome at the idea of being looked at as a leader “There are people who know way more than I do!”
Is extremely nervous about hosting bigger classes and workshops “There are better dancers out there than me!”

But while wrestling with all of these uncomfortable thoughts, I had to do 2 things: give myself credit for how hard I’ve worked to build the knowledge base, mindset, and skills that I have, and also give myself some tough love.

I realized the truth is - if I’m not willing to put myself out there, no one will ever notice me, and making a life as a creative person requires that other people are able to find and enjoy the things that I create. Needing exposure is just baked into the reality of being a creative person.

Realization #2: If I’m not willing to invest in my future, go to bat for myself, and be my own hype man, how could I possibly ever expect anyone else to do those things for me either? It’s insane to think I would ask people to help me in my career as a dancer if I’m not willing to help myself by getting a little uncomfortable and taking some risks.

So here I find myself, January of 2022, EXTREMELY nervous, but also incredibly excited for what I will be able to make happen for myself this year. I’m pursuing goals that push me out of my comfort zone, so here is what you can expect to see from me this year:

  1. More choreography videos! I’m really trying to level up my skills as a choreographer.

  2. Collaborations with other creatives

  3. My first advanced level footwork classes

  4. A cinematic style short video

  5. More tutorials and blog posts

I hope you all are in a good mindset this January, and are ready to accept all of the blessings and challenges that 2022 will offer us. May we grow, learn, laugh, connect more deeply, and most of all DANCE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE this year.



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