Meet Cisco - YCSWU Founder

Instructor + Performer + Choreographer | Enjoyer of beats

I used to admire shuffle dancers from afar whenever I went to shows and festivals, but I never thought it was something I could be good at. When I decided to try learning the basic steps on a whim, I realized it was more simple than I thought it would be, and it was actually a ton of fun.

What surprised me most about dancing was the confidence it gave me. It might be hard to believe, but I was actually pretty shy before shuffling taught me how to come out of my shell and enjoy expressing myself. Dancing at events was also a great conversation starter that helped me make new friends. Now I’m surrounded by the most amazing community I could ask for, and it’s all thanks to that crazy whim I had one day to try the running man.

Dancing makes me so happy… it changed everything for me. It’s my deepest desire is to help others find that same happiness, and that’s why I teach.


Get to know me!

My favorite music to shuffle to is: Disco House - I can not sit still if you play this.

I also dance these other styles: Hooping, Gogo, DnB Step

When I’m not dancing, I’m: That’s a trick question… I’m always dancing! Ok ok truthfully, I’m training for my first Powerlifting competition (May 2024), so if I’m not in the studio, you can usually catch me in the gym. Or riding my motorcycle.

I daydream about: Being able to make the world a happier, healthier place by convincing more people to dance. Thanks for making my literal dream come true <3

My guilty pleasure is: Cookies & Cream ice cream (the coconut milk kind)

People are surprised that I: Speak Spanish, and I have a BFA in photography.

My top 5 values are: Love, creativity, health, honesty, and ambition.

My shuffle journey

I started shuffling in October of 2018, and was completely self-taught until 2023. I learned by watching videos of other dancers on YouTube, slowing their videos down to half speed and rewinding over and over again until I could figure out how they were doing certain moves. There weren’t too many tutorials or online resources at that point, and there certainly weren’t any in-person classes that I could go to.

I taught my first classes at the very end of 2019/beginning of 2020, but due to the pandemic, I didn’t teach again until the end of 2021. I used the time in between to work on leveling up my skills, and interviewing shufflers from across the globe to learn more about the history and foundations of this dance style.

I founded You Can Shuffle With Us in 2022 as an inclusive space for all kinds of people to explore this movement style. I knew how much shuffling had changed my life and improved my mental health, and I wanted as many people as possible to have the opportunity to experience the same things I did. It’s been the greatest blessing of my life to be able to share this joy with people, and see shuffling change their lives too.

2022 was also the year I performed on stage for the first time as a shuffler in a nightclub here in Seattle. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to dance at nightclubs and events all over the PNW, including festivals like Beyond Wonderland, and Above & Beyond’s Weekender at The Gorge.

My vision moving forward is to continue creating opportunities within YCSWU for the community to learn, form meaningful friendships, make cool projects, showcase their talents, and find a happier way of life through shuffling.

“Be generous with your love - it’s a renewable resource.” -Cisco

You’re capable of more than you think.