What I know for sure

Here's what I know for sure about life:
Every person that you meet is full of their own dreams, fears, ideas, scars, and desires.
We are each coming to terms with the reality that we are simultaneously powerless in the face of this vast universe, and yet infinitely powerful to create change here in our world.
We are all on different paths and journeys
but we all must face similar decisions about how we will choose to perceive the world and play our role in it.
We are not so different from each other deep down.
Be kind.
Take care of each other.
Treat everyone you meet with respect, and have empathy for the fact that they are humans who will struggle with the same big questions that you have.
This life is too fucking short to waste on negativity.
Our energy is a limited resource, and tearing other people down or hating yourself is a waste of it.
If we learn to spend it instead on growing and teaching others to be the best possible versions of ourselves that we can be..
We can together, in turn, create the best possible version of our world.


I stopped thinking of myself as a dancer…