Lovely Day
Our love letter to the end of summer 2023, this YCSWU production is the very first student showcase video project we ever created! Bask in the bliss of dance, summer, and beautiful female friendships while you enjoy <3
“Lovely Day” - published October 5, 2023
Song: Lovely Day/Good as Hell Mashup by Pomplamoose
Director/Producer/Choreographer/Editor: Cisco
Videographer: Jaes Nolan (more here)
Dancers (In Alphabetical Order):
Jackie Fasano (shuffling for 6 years)
Jen Geffre (shuffling for 1 year)
Leanne Manlosa (shuffling for 6 months)
Nicole Olsen (shuffling for 5 months)
Nimisha Sharath (shuffling for 6 months)
Find the original video on our Instagram, where you can explore more from these dancers!
Enjoy some Behind The Scenes peeks into how our project was made!
Cisco’s BTS edit
Leanne’s process video
You can click on each image in the photo gallery below to enlarge it!
Jackie getting all of Leanne's angles
Cisco fixing Jen's flower crown
Cisco actually stayed up until 3am the night before the shoot hand-making these flower crowns for everyone
The whole gang
Happy faces as we finish packing up set and head home for the day
Our collaborative spread for the picnic - including a San Pellegrino sponsorship thanks to Leanne!