Seattle Shuffle Dance Community

Classes | Coaching | Meetups | Performances | Creative Projects

who we are

  • For the dancers who dare to be themselves - who choose to honestly express even when their individuality is inconvenient. Who sacrifice their ego at the altar of their growth, and look for the fun in the discomfort of progress.

    For the explorers who know that their journey will never be finished - who are always starting, always learning, and always getting better.

    In a world where judgement, apathy, and conformity are the norm - we choose the risks of happiness, empathy, and freedom.

    We believe the journey is better together, so we invite the newbies, weirdos, and outliers to walk it with us.

    It's more than dancing - it's home.

    You belong with family.

    You can shuffle with us.

Check out what the community is up to on Instagram:


A shuffle dancer jumps and smiles

Invest in your relationship with yourself

Scientists, trainers, and doctors all around the globe agree - dancing is is a proven, fun, and effective way to get into amazing physical and mental shape.

Shuffling is an incredible workout for the muscles in your legs and core - not to mention you can burn up to 1,000 calories during a single shuffle class!

Learning new skills also grows the plasticity of our brains, and can improve memory, coordination, and creative thinking.

Dance is a total mental health game-changer too. In my experience, dancing transformed my confidence levels, alleviated my anxiety, and helped me learn to love and appreciate my body on a deep level.

You have nothing to lose, and potentially life-changing breakthroughs to gain by learning to shuffle! Whether you prefer learning in the privacy of your home via Zoom, or you want to connect with new friends at classes or meetups to enjoy the social side of shuffling, we are here for you <3


Watch “REBELLION” - one of our 2023 student showcase video projects:

“Cisco teaches more than steps and combos; she incorporates the history of shuffling, mental models behind how to freestyle, and drills that develop musicality – empowering every one of her students to develop their own unique flavor of shuffling.

Within two to three weeks of taking her classes, my friends noticed that I was throwing new moves and combos into my shuffling. Within one to two months, I had made more progress in developing my dancing skills than in the previous six months of trying to learn from online videos.”

— Lance

“The way Cisco is able to level you up in such a short time is crazy. I was learning new moves and getting my shuffle speed up at a level I honestly didn’t think was possible in such a short time. The way she teaches is super approachable and easy to follow along and you will leave each class feeling more confident in your dance. ”

-- Laura

“Cisco was really respectful of everyone's abilities and gave really nice positive affirmations throughout the entire class.”

—Anonymous Response from Post-Class Survey